
What empowers you?

My faith, more so my action of it. Through my faith I believe we deserve the best life, and while we may be handed a few or more lemons we can always choose what to do with them. Being victimized doesn’t mean you must become a victim. We have free choice, and I choose to make lemonade, literally and soulfully.

Who inspires you?

My children inspire me. They are free with love, thought and passion for life. They are constantly reminding me by their actions to live in joy. 

What was your initial reason for getting into the industry you're in now?

 Initially, I was told “no”. That no inspired a reason to get a yes. You will hear about 100 no’s before you could get a yes; so when I was told I couldn’t sell my lemonade by the cup, ready to drink, I had to come up with another way to not miss out on an opportunity. So I re-branded my product, stayed true to my recipe and a more versatile product was crafted for my customers to enjoy. 

What do you love most about Baltimore?

The community. The desire to grow but to not grow alone bleeds through Baltimore like second nature. The small business community is filled with creatives, artists and thought provoking leaders living out a passion filled life and it cultivating strong communities that continue to invest in each other.

What was your favorite song to listen to on set of the photo shoot?

I’m Every Woman... it reminds me that I truly can be every woman. While I am a mother, I am also an entrepreneur, a soldier, a Chef, a dreamer who chooses to live all of these roles as a woman of confidence, inspiration and grace. I can’t be boxed into one category, I often joke that I am hood, hippie and Bourgie... but really, I’m simply limitless. Every woman is. We just have to walk in it. 

What's your ultimate goal career wise?

I don’t have a career goal. But I do have a life goal. I look forward to the days that I can host my family, friends and guest on my farmstead. A place that people can glamourasly yet wildly be one with nature. I hope to host women on holiday or retreats. Family meals from food grown on my property. People simply looking to getaway and find self. All while being hosted in unconventional housing; like bell tents, shipping containers, airstreams and even a greenhouse guesthouse. 

What do you want your legacy to be?

My children, living their best lives.