CHARDELLE MOORE, Award winning television anchor


What empowers you?

Life!  There is so much to learn on this journey! The more that I learn, the more I grow and evolve into the woman that I’m destined to be! Growth is a beautiful thing! 

Who inspires you?

Hands down, my parents! They made so many sacrifices for my brother and I to have a better life! My family is from Dominica. It’s not easy to leave your homeland move to the United States and start from scratch! I’ve learned the power of hard work and dedication through my parent’s strength! Also Oprah, Beyoncé and the amazing Kings and Queens who follow their dreams and let no one define them!   

What was your initial reason for getting into the industry you're in now? 

I’ve always loved the entertainment business! I began my television journey at the age of seven as my elementary school morning news anchor and never looked back! 

What do you love most about Baltimore?

The art scene! This city is filled with so many amazing creatives! It’s very inspiring!  

What was your favorite song to listen to onset of the photo shoot?

Dang! That’s a tough one! But overall, just give me some Caribbean and African music and I’m good! What’s popping! 

What's your ultimate goal career wise?

My ultimate goal is to build an empowering global brand! Ownership!  I would like to use my gifts to empower and entertain on multiple platforms! Television, speaking, acting, fashion… the sky is the limit!  

What do you want your legacy to be?

I want people to know that you can do anything that you put your mind too if you work hard and put God first! I want to use my platform to empower others to become the best version of themselves!The joy is in the journey!