5 Smart Businesses for Women Entrepreneurs to Start in 2022

Are you ready to call it quits? You’re not alone. A record number of workers—4.4 million—quit their jobs this past September alone. Analysts are calling this phenomenon, where American workers are leaving their jobs by the millions each month, “The Great Resignation,” and there’s no sign of it stopping anytime soon. 

Not only that, the Great Resignation is affecting more women than men, with 5.5% of women quitting in August compared to 4.4% of men. And while some may be seeking greener employment pastures, many are likely taking the opportunity to open up a business on their own. After all, the number of women-owned businesses has grown five times the national average since 2007.

If you’re ready to strike out on your own in 2022, it seems like there’s never been a better time. Here are five businesses for women entrepreneurs to consider in 2022. 

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