Colorful Conversations Holiday Edition

Members of the Color Vision community gathered inside Officina D.C. during the holidays to commemorate the last Colorful Convos of the year. The room of powerful women included Color Vision Advisory Board President, Sararuth Delice, Whitney Stringer ( Whitney Stringer PR & Events), Frances Armas Edwards (executive at Google), Emily Hawkins (executive at Amazon) , Jummy Sands ( anchor at NBC News), Schuntel Alexis (Schuntel Events), Courtney Connely (Editor at Chief), Charlene Polite Corley (executive at Nielsen) Mia Davis (founder at Color Vision) Briana Savage (Rep at Breakthru Beverage) and Shakirah Hill Taylor (Chief Digital Officer at Fenton).

The ladies discussed how the past year inspired them, how they indulge in self care and what keeps them motivated to continue going during such uncertain times.

Briana Savage educated the ladies on the cocktails of the evening which included : Johnny Walker High Rye, Crown Royal and Ron Zacapa. Attendees also discussed the importance of representation of women of color on television and film, led by Nielsen's Charlene Polite Corley.

It was an amazing evening to close out an awesome 2021! Check out more pics here and the video below. A special thank you to our sponsors Nielsen and Diageo.